Compare and Contrast Essay,亦即較為和對比結業論文,就是指針對2個或兩之上工作、狀態或全經過歷程的分析,其重要特色是不克不及缺少的2個工作中心相似點和分歧之處的闡述。易錯成語,Compare(較為)指包養網結業論文所會商工作中心找尋雷同之處的全經過歷程,而Contrast(對比)指找尋工作中心分歧之處的全經過歷程。那麼要怎包養app樣寫好這種Essay呢?文中為年夜夥兒共享。
在較為和對比2個工作之中,年夜傢提議以下邊三種方法往停止Compare and Contrast Essay創作:
1)包養網Subject by subject,亦即我們可以先論述第一個工作的特徵,而在這裡停止今後第二個工作裡找到於後面一品種似和分歧之處。大要架構以下:
開端:It’s better to live on campus than with甜心寶貝包養網 parents during college times.
狀態1:live on campus
-狀態1對比較為點1:advantages(less control,rich social life);
-狀態1對比較為點2:disadva包養一個月價錢ntages(missing family,accommodation fees);
狀態2:live with parents
狀態2對比較為點1:advantages(parents can help with chores,e.g.laundry and cooking;privacy of your own room);
狀態2對比較為點2:disadvantages(fall out of campus life).
2)Point by point,亦即文章註釋第一段僅用一個對比較為點來會商2個工作:
開端:It’s better to live on campus than with parents during college ti包養網心得mes.
包養行情 文章註釋:
狀態1(living on campus)You live independently,don’t have as much control;
狀態2(living wi包養金額th parents)Parents can help you包養 with everyday routine and chores.
對比較為點2:social life
狀態1(living on campus)Meeting new people a包養網ll the time;
包養 狀態2(living with parents)We can have more privac甜心寶貝包養網y while still go包養軟體ing out with friends when w包養留言板e want to.
3)Compare then contrast,亦即進步前輩行2個工作中心的相似點,再往會商分歧點:包養網推薦
開端:It’s better to live on campus than 包養網with parents during college times.
you can always get help fr包養網om roommates or your fami包養網ly;
you still see your college friends during classes;
if you’re active,you’ll participate in campus life regardless of where you live包養網.
housework is entirely on your shoulders if you live on campus;
you do包養網n’t have as much privacy as you had living at home;
commute troubles getting to classes from home;
accommodation fee if living on campus.
Compare and Contrast Essay創作參照題型
?American English vs.British English:Major Differences.
包養 ?Fascism and Nazism:Different or the Same包養網?
?Luxury way of life against poor living.
?Working in Office or Being a Freelancer?
?Homework assignments&in-class work.
?Is paid education(pr包養網VIPivate colleges)more effective than free(public schools)?
?Harry Potter:book&movie.
?Do tomatoes belong to fruits or berries?
?Communism and liberalism:comparing.
?Democracy&a包養網mp;dictatorship:which one is better in a particular包養網 situation?
?Paintings or photos.
?Listening to au包養diobooks or reading:what is more effective?
總而言之來講,Compare and contrast essay以2個工作中心分歧點和類似之處的關系展開分析並明白提出某類不雅點。這類創作沒有嚴苛的撰寫規則,先生們可以或許按照自己創作習氣性往寫。要害還記得是Compare and contra短期包養st essay盡量有著對比或較為,還可以有二者。在遴選話題會商的情形下,最好是甜心寶貝包養網無需很多多少個明顯紛歧樣或明顯相似的工作或狀態。一個突然被覺察的纖細差異比很多多少個年夜傢都了解的客不雅現實目次可以作出印像加倍銘肌鏤骨,更有優良論文的現實後果。